Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Three Mustketeers... or Chickens. Whatever.

We're happy to announce that Mo has moved up in the world... she is now allowed outside by the other Chix and can roam without fear. She is still bald on the top, but at least she seems part of the flock.

She's also started pulling her weight! 

(From left to right: Wyandotte, Leghorn, Polish)

Her eggs are a very pale tan and a little smaller than the others. Three chickens, three different colors and sizes; it's funny how that works out.  The Chix have been a lot of fun lately, especially for Miss M who loves to give them treats. It's a good thing they're laying well because someone..I'm not naming any names (MO AND DOTTY!) have gotten into the garden in the last couple of days and partially decimated the lettuce and onions. I threatened with yells of "You're just fattening yourselves up to be dinner!", but they just kicked dirt in my general direction. Until I turned the hose on them. That taught them....for like 10 minutes. Whatever. EGGS.


Anonymous said...

Ok- Mo's hairdo just looks ludicrous. Is she wearing a Mrs. Peacock hat?

Anonymous said...

I would have thought that perhaps she was "pulleting" her weight......in any case we continue to save you egg cartons if you would like them.

The old Rooster from Napa