Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lunar New Year Already?!

So it's the lunar new year this weekend and it's my inspiration to actually post something about our New Year's weekend at the cabin.
I'll start by saying there was no gas running at the cabin so we were sans hot water. That did not stop us from having a killer time. We brought our big outdoor stove to boil water for baths and food and overall it worked pretty well. Everyone got a warm bath each day, which, thinking about it.... is cleaner that we get when we have running hot water at the cabin. Interesting.

B&A were gracious enough to make two dinners, abalone and nabe, which are both among my favorites. Only Brad can look pirate-y while cooking nabe.

We bundled up M every morning and took her to Armstrong Grove.

Alicia and I were able to get a little video of M walking on the trail. We had just taught her how to put her hands in her pockets and she was walking in a funny, very determined way, hamming it up like usual.

After a long day of general rambunctiousness, M was ready to snuggle and be entertained.

It was another great New Year's weekend at the cabin, a tradition we always look forward to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like some cute couple is practicing for parenthood. Adoption agencies take note!