Saturday, November 10, 2007

Roseola?! That sounds delicious!

Evidently, the undergrads in my lab think that Roseola sounds something like Ravioli, which is yummy.
Sooooo.... Maryn was diagnosed with Roseola this week. I don't know how they could tell, the only real clue was this:

Yeah, that's right. A rosey rash. All over her body.
We're just about done with it so on with the funny part.

We've come up with some illnesses that are worse than roseola:
Boboliola - when your face looks like homemade pizza
CocaColaeola - when your skin gets all bubbly.
Bonoboleola - When you look like a miniature chimpanzee
Scorpioleola - When you start blogging about your family on the net.
Bozoeola - when your nose gets all red and swollen. Crap. Maryn might have had this.

1 comment:

Ms. Martin said...

I think my daughter has this right now but I don't want to panic. Is it even worth panicking over?