Friday, August 22, 2008

Addicted to the Blue Pony

I've admitted it to most people, but I'll just lay it out here on the internet.
We had an incident with blueberries this summer.
By we, I mean me. By incident, I mean I couldn't stop eating them.
For days.
Exhibit A:

Now I'd love to say that I made a pie or something but I'd be lying.
I totally just sat on the couch and chowed down pounds (literally) of them.
I started to save the packages up to remind myself of the sheer volume I was consuming. Mr. Zimny calls them "carcasses".
I ate all the containers in the picture in 3 days. That's 2.5 lbs a day.
I'll put that into perspective for you.
I had to cut down, I started rationing.
But Safeway was happy to play my enabler by putting them on sale, so I was back on the blue pony for another week.
But I think I'm clean now.
Just don't bring any of those things over. I don't know how strong my will power is.

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