Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This week Miss M has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom (more on that later). She has noticed that our dog, Beta sleeps in the shower (she pronounces it sow-er) to stay cool on hot days. She is now a little obsessed with getting in the shower with Beta. Of course Beta promptly leaves whenever Miss M enters the shower, but this does not stop her from standing in the shower demanding that Beta (or Friday) get in the shower with her.

This week, after a long conversation of:
M: "Mama, sow-er!"
Me: "Yes, I see the shower"
M: "Bait-a! Sower!"
Me: "Beta is in the bedroom, sorry"
M: "Mama, sow-er!"
.....on and on,
I left her in the bathroom hoping she would give up and come find me. But all I kept hearing was "Mama, sow-er!", followed by her pounding on the door in frustration. After a few minutes I went in to try a new method of distraction (ie: "M, I think Elmo is on!") and found this:

Is it wrong that I waited until after I had taken pictures to let her out?


Eric Z said...

I vote No.....she is such a sweetie

Lauren said...

I loved this post! SO FUNNY. And I loved that you took pictures first. A mom after my own heart.

The Morrow Family said...

That us hilarious!! Something Cal would do too!

The Morrow Family said...

I just looked at her pic again and it is so funny how her and Cal hae the EXACT same hair...color and curls!