Sunday, August 16, 2009

That's Miss Egghorn to you.

For 36.5 hours we were the skeptical adoptees of a pretty but small chicken that flew into a friend's yard.....
it took the chicken 36 hours to start crowing.
It took Mr. Zimny 0.5 hours to find it a new home.
During that 36 hours, our hen, Ms. Leghorn laid an egg. The first egg!
There was much documentation:

As you can see, it was a bit smaller than a store bought egg, but that didn't stop us from cookin' it up:

Since then I have been working under the "if you cook it, they will come" theory that states that if I cook things that require eggs, the chickens will start producing eggs.
FYI: Things that use a lot of eggs are 1) fattening 2) super yummy 3) starting to accumulate in the kitchen.

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