You don't get it, do you?
You know, "putting up" meaning preserving food, like putting things in jars for storage.
Get it now? I was making jam with friends.
Yeah, it wasn't that funny. I know.
Today was the annual Jammy-Jam.
1 day, 4 Women, a 50 lb bag of sugar. Mmmmm....
I went to Impossible Acres and picked up super ripe blackberries and boysenberries, strawberries, and these neat little things called Apriums. They're a hybrid between a plum and a apricot, but mostly like an apricot.
We had a fun, albeit sticky time. Why do old-timey things appeal to me so? Auntie A and I think it's because you appreciate the product so much more, and the connection you have to what you've made. With canning, when you open the jar you get to remember the fruit or veggie when it was at it's prime. You get to remember where you picked it, who gave it to you or where you bought it. Plus there is the feeling of pride and completion when you see all the jars laid out.
For me it all started with my family. Preserving is a tradition. I can remember women peeling peaches for canning, and making pickles while growing up. I think my great grandmother was the driving force for food preservation, probably because she grew up in the Depression an' all. When she left to travel we stopped doing it, but I'm back in the game baby!

This was Auntie A's (Alicia) first real canning experience.

After processing the jars we set them out on the counter top, and we started hearing the jars pop as they sealed! Ah! The sound of victory!
Debbie reports the successful production of 56 jam.

While we were working today, all I could think about was all the other fun stuff I want to put up this summer. I think I'm going to try my hand at mixed pickled veggies. I'll also retry the peppers from last summer. I can't get over the sliminess so I'll try to make them more crunchy this time.
Family: Good.
Baby: Still not eating. 6.5 Months, 10.5 lbs.
Practicing Motorboat sounds. A lot.
Work: Stalled, Boss too busy to notice.
On the s#!t list: No one yet. Stay tuned.
Dogs:Now bringing ball to baby.
When I grow up I want to be: Default-Professional Crafty Person.
Secret Plan: To buy less pre-processed food. I know. Stupid Plan.
Random Equation: Alex's new puppy = so cute!

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