Monday, June 11, 2007

The Mayhem Continues

Who (besides maybe Dr. Meeshmellow) would attempt canning pickles while cooking a weekday dinner. That's right, me.
I've never done the mixed veggies, but I have high hopes for them.
For the record, it only takes a couple things to make pickles:

1) A big ass pot 2) lots of salt. 3) lots of vinegar

Oh, and I guess vegetables. What eva.

The finished product!

You're next Beets.

Miss M says "Beets?!"
Family: Good.
Baby: Eating once in a while. 6.5 Months, 10.6 lbs.
Work: Still Stalled, Boss still too busy to notice.
On the s#!t list: Cindy Crawford. One horrible actor.
Dogs: Waiting for Maddy to come visit again.

When I grow up I want to be: A Movie Critic
Secret Plan: To finish a ton of crafts this weekend.
Random Equation
: Sleep = good

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