Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day at the Museum

Just before Chirstmas, Ms. Alicia and I enjoyed a whole day at the De Young Museum in San Fransisco. We were able to get tickets for the visiting impressionist exhibit where we saw actual Van Goghs!
We also went to the Legion of Honor which was showing a very interesting exhibit called Japanesque. Most of the exhibit was a ton of beautiful woodblock prints but there was also a  portion where they showed how different colors were laid on top of each other with the woodblocks.
Thank you A, for a great lunch, great talk and great day!


Spirit House Designs said...

Thank you, too. And where, oh where, might the adorable pic of YOU in the cutout be? I demand an edit!


SisforScorpio said...

That is the beauty of a blog! I get to decide!