Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A misunderstanding

This was M's first year trick-or-treating.... and we kept it small, only a few houses of people we knew.

M played Tinkerbell (or Stinkerbell as we call her) very well.. .fickle, demanding and cute.
This is her look of : "HEY! There's CANDY in here! MOM! CANDY in this thing!"
We did have a couple of issues though..
First.. you aren't supposed to eat all the candy as you get it. According to M, it is better to shove it all in your mouth than allow it to touch the bottom of the pail. The only thing that slowed her down was those pesky wrappers.
Second... you aren't supposed to go IN the houses after the people answer.
 "GEEZ WOMAN...You mean I have to eat all this candy OUTSIDE? thing you'll tell me is that I have to take these wings off before I go to bed...."

1 comment:

Spirit House Designs said...

That is funny! We had a little kid get confused and come into our house this year! So cute!