Update: Chickens still alive, Friday still insanely interested.
If it's been a while since you've seen them, here is a little montage of their progress so far:
Gobbling aphids off some greens:
Learning to perch: Their awkward (feathers filling in) stage: Now they live outside. This was partially due to the fact that they were getting too big for their inside box and the weather has been so mild, but mostly it is due to the fact that they were so freaking smelly that they had to go outside. Like NOW.They've been doing pretty well and we've been trying to give them more time outside the cage. They aren't very adventurous and keep within a few feet of where you set them. They love hunting for bugs and eat greens ravenously, even grass. They are as yet unnammed, but we called them The Dot (Wyandotte) and The Leghorn. The Dot is definitely the leader and the more strong willed. She acts like the sky is falling everytime you pick her up, while The Leghorn is very mild mannered and friendly. Miss M likes to try and water them with the watering can and tries to feed them popsicles. They are not too keen on any of that, but the good thing is that they are quick enough to stay out of her way!
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