M has been learning all kinds of new ways to get what she wants. First it was the "oh, look at me hug my baby sweetly." Then came the "oh, let me snuggle against you and totally disarm you until I can find something within reach to throw". Exhibit A:

You might not be able to tell, but secretly she is planning my undoing right there.
Then came the final blow of "you don't like what I am doing?! Let me kiss you! In fact, let me kiss the dog, and my baby, then you again...". Folks, we are in for some rough, although be it very cute roads.
She makes YOUR ear look huge.
maybe that is her secret way to bring me down!
Good lord! If she wasn't allowed ice cream and she was being all sweet like that, I would totally slip her some ice cream.
p.s. pebbles misses her kisses.
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