Ahhh, the joys of having a small yet mobile child - who is oddly determined to retrieve the electric toothbrush she placed deep inside the cabinet.
Don't judge. I can totally explain why she had the electric toothbrush.
She likes the electric toothbrush
Mr. Zimny was gone
Playing with electric toothbrush = momentary reprieve from shrieking
Did you think it would be complicated?
Hmmm... although she was entertained for a good 10 minutes, I am pretty sure that isn't why the named them entertainment systems.
1 comment:
Hi Rhiannon, I've been following your blog for a while now. I think Eric sent it out way back when. Well I've jumped on the blog-wagon too and wanted to share mine with you guys. It's http://www.whatdidyoudoallday-jen.blogspot.com/
Cousin Jen in Michigan!
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