Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Car Scent

I think as a new mom you are allowed some Rookie Moves. That doesn't mean you want anyone to see you making those moves. But sometimes they are so ridiculous you have to share your stupidity with others. Like this time.

I pack up Miss M and go to the gas station for one of those cheap drive through car washes. The person in front of me is a really, really old man in a flashy car. Which is a bit off the subject, but I still I think it's funny. Miss M is in the backseat. We are sitting in the sun, waiting, waiting, watching him input the code 4 times, not realizing he just needs to pull his car forward to start the machine. I roll the windows down because it is so warm. Finally he gets out of the car because he can't figure it out, but by now the attendant is on his way to tell the old man to just pull forward. Which the old man does and gets his car washed. I pull up and enter the code, roll up the windows and pull foward. The car is being washed. After about 30 seconds, I feel something wet on my neck, I look back and I realize I left Miss M's window down about 4 inches. Water is spraying everywhere in the back seat. Crap! I roll up the window. The car wash finishes and I drive home in a new low of Rookie Mom shame.

I pull up to the driveway, and race to open up the back door to get Miss M out. I expect a mildly wet, cold, very unhappy baby.

What I get is a totally drenched, hair plastered to her face, perfectly asleep baby, with little soap bubbles scattered around her.

I go inside and tell Mr. Zimny what happened. He laughs, picks her up and says "MMmmm that new car scent!"

1 comment:

michie said...

Classic! Precisely why I love you.