Friday, April 17, 2009

That "Thing" we've got going

Recently, when I mentioned to someone that we had added chickens to the family, they said "well, that makes sense, considering the whole thing you've got going on."
It left me kind of wondering, what does she mean by thing?
Did she mean the circus we've started that combines dancing chickens with a fork yielding toddler? No?
Did she mean the research lab that examines how long you can survive on popcorn alone and if the duration is the same for chickens? No?
So I'm not exactly sure what she meant, but I bet it's cool.
And by cool I mean totally sweet.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bird is the word

Now Everybody's heard about the word, bird, bird, bird, bird is the word.
It's official, we've made a couple of additions to our family. After multiple chick crisisies (or is that crisis's...crisisi...what is the plural for crisis? Answer: If you are having more than one crisis at a time, you are to busy to care about correct plurals. The end.)... ok, after a series of crisisies....M, Grandma Nancy, Kathy and I were able to finally procure 2 chicks.
At the store there were all kinds of breeds but most breeds only had roosters left. We still had a few choices though, and after consulting Mr. Zimny via phone, we chose a Silver Lace Wyandotte and a Danish Brown Leghorn.
When they are grown, they will hopefully look like these:

(Silver lace Wyandotte) (Danish Brown Leghorn)

But right now, they just look like this:

See the resemblance?

The dogs didn't notice them until we pointed them out and Miss M just wants to kiss them (and poke at their eyes). Mostly they just peep around do chicken stuff like peck at things. They are as yet unnamed. Suggestions have been made, and right now it stands between the Omlet and Over-easy camp and the Terry Hatcher and Deborah Winger camp, although I like BZ's Captian Cluckles..... we'll see.

Spring Break 2009

Miss M and I spent last week at the cabin with Grandpa R.L. and great-grandpa Porter. The whole week was nice and relaxing, filled with rain, popcorn, fires, and long walks.
M liked all the attention and getting hauled around town on grandpa R.L.'s shoulders. We also took a couple of morning walks in Armstrong woods. M got to hear a real cow moo for the first time and made friends with all the town cats. She also fell a couple of times and got a goose egg and a shiner... but um, er, did I mention that she got to eat her weight in popcorn and that she met some cats? 'Cause she did, and it was way cute and way more important than those bruises....really, it was.

We went to the beach where M got to try out her sandcastle skills. Let's just say she is much better at the "take a whack at the tower and then stomp on it when it falls over" skill than she is at the "build a tower" skill. We were able to see Grandpa R.L. surfing and he tried to explain some techniques to M.

It was a great week and something that we all decided should happen more often. But